Did it piss you off when Lane Kim's unexpected pregnancy was treated like an inevitability instead of a decision? Did you feel like rioting when she got pregnant with twins after having sex ONE TIME with the bag of Dorito dust she calls her husband? Then help me raise money for abortion rights by spreading the good word. Abortion is healthcare! What another woman does with her body is no one's business! When a potentially unwanted pregnancy happens, it should not be controversial to consider abortion as an option, no matter the circumstances.
100% of the net proceeds from the sale of this hat will go to the National Network of Abortion Funds 🎉 I donated $312 in 2022 and since I still have some hats left, I'm selling them until they're gone. To see more pics of people wearing them, check out this story highlight on my Instagram.

Justice for Lane Kim Hat
$25 (shipping included, US only, available in black and navy)

A primer on the bullshit our girl has suffered through:
I don't think I have to tell this community about all of the ways the writers wronged Lane over the course of "Gilmore Girls," but here are the biggest offenses:
In S6, they married her off to this skid mark at age twenty-two after he ruined Hep Alien's chance at a record deal and NEVER FUCKING APOLOGIZED FOR IT.

In S7, they impregnated her with the aforementioned skid mark's twins after a single instance of uncomfortable honeymoon beach sex. Abortion was never even mentioned as an option.

After Lane has the babies, she gets to stay home while the human embodiment of a Bagel Bite goes on tour with Vapor Rub.

Then, in "A Year in the Life," the Palladinos have the audacity to break up Paris and Doyle while keeping Lane tethered to this sentient bag of hair. Instead of having her do something cool, like start a band with Kwan and Steve, she barely even gets a storyline. The only "fun" thing the writers let her do is play the snare and hi-hat at the stupid fucking Secret Bar. Nothing says rock 'n' roll quite like brushes, acoustic guitar, and playing at a decibel that won't tip off Taylor Doose.

Let's raise some money for reproductive rights in Lane Kim's honor. Please share this with anyone you think may be interested. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to leave them in the comments or send me an email.